About us
Sydhavnens Windsurf Club is a windsurf club that's situated in Valby Parken just south of the beach. See our location here on Google Maps.
We're offering a social windsurfing community, including beginners equipement (annual fee), and storage for your own personal equipment.
The Club is run on a volunteer basis and are total dependent on members engaging in the club.
We'd like to point out that we're a community and NOT a surfschool. Therefore, if you haven't surfed before we uggest that you take beginners classes with our friends at Copenhagen Surf School, who teach windsurfing at Amager Strandpark.
If you're already an experienced surfer or you've maybe done a beginners course already, or if you have the necessary skills to progress on your own, you are ready to sign up.
During the season we cater for club hangout days/Social Surf where we help each other progress with tips and tricks, and if the weather is good we do barbecue. We also arrange working days where we together make sure the club is fysically functioning.
Sydhavnens Windsurfer Club is a member of Dansk Sejlunion (Danish Sailing Union).
Become a member
Our spot
Contact: swc@swc.dk