Using the club's equipment
The clubs has around 10 sets of beginners equipment and a few sets for intermediate surfers. To use the equipment you'll have to sign up on the link below, and this costs 350 DKK per season. The equipment can't be booked in advanced by members, but on some occasions, it may be booked by the club for teaching purposes, so keep an eye out for this in our Facebook group.
Take good care of our stuff, it belongs to all of us. If you're new, ask an experienced member to show you how to handle it, and maybe help you to carry it out of the shed and down the staircase in a safe way.
When using the club's equipment:
- Always carry the equipment with the wind in your back. That way, it won't blow on top of you, and it's much easier for you to control.
- Remember to do a safety check to see, if the equipment has suffered damage prior to your using it, so that it won't fail you when out on the water. Install the boom at a proper height while still on land.
- Put the sail in the water before the board, as the board drifts and may hit rocks.
- When coming out on the water, it's board first and then sail - in that order.
- Sailing with trapez on our equipment is a no-go. Two many sails have died this way. Use trapez on your own stuff when you're good enough.
- Don't leave the stuff on top of the staircase blocking it to others. Bad karma.
- Same thing when throwing a break mid session. Don't leave stuff in the water either.
- Rinse the wet suit in our outdoor "shower" (on the right hand side of our club house) when done, and hang it on a hanger.
- If anything breaks, tell us at Also put a note on it, so that no one else accidentally takes it on the water.
- Be a good buddy and remind others to take care of the stuff.
- Club equipment can only be brought on surf trips if arranged with the club before hand.
Registration as user of the club's equipment (to do so, you need to already be a member, read more here)